
Saturday, 18 April 2015

How to Root your Android Device (Updated Version)

Hello Everyone! Last time I showed you how to root your device using Kingo Root. Well, I've found out that that doesn't always work! So in this post, I will be showing you another program that should work 100%!
So, first, go to Internet Explorer and go to the root website which you can access here. Then, download the file.

Next, on your phone, go to About Phone, find Build Number and tap on it 5-8 times. It should say something like You are now a Developer. Then, go into Developer Options and enable USB Debugging. This step is crucial.

Now, run the root application and connect your device to your computer. It will connect. After that, click the root button!


Friday, 3 April 2015

How to force activate WinRAR

Do you have WinRAR? Are you tired of the annoying pop-up that keeps saying you have to purchase it? Well, today's your lucky day because I'm going to teach YOU how to force activate WinRAR!

First off, you need to install WinRAR. (Obviously!)

Then, create a new text document and paste in the following code:

RAR registration data
Unlimited Company License

Then, go to File/Save As and from the drop-down, select All Files. Then, name it rarreg.key.
Now open File Explorer. Go to Local Disk, Program Files if your using 64 bit computer (go to Program Files (x86) if you have 32 bit computer), WinRAR, and paste/move the rarreg.key into the folder.

Congratulations! You have successfully activated WinRAR!!!

Thursday, 26 March 2015

How to get free games on your PC

Hi everyone! In this blog post, I will teach you guys how to get free games on your computer. First up you need one website:

What you need to do: Go to the website. Go to the search bar on the side and search for your game. Download it. It will take you through many websites. Just follow the instructions on it and you download should begin...

Android vs Apple

In this blog post I will be talking about Apple and Android.

Apple: Logging in, making a call, taking photos, music, mail, set to vibrate, use flashlight

Android: Time checking, typing, organizing apps, notifications, maps, talk to phone

OK, so lets begin with 'Talking to phone'. It's way easier to use Android's that Apple's. With Apple, you have to hold the home button and wait for Siri to respond. However, with Android, all you have to do is say 'OK Google' and BOOM, it's ready.

Taking photos: Apple's camera, you can only say WOW. The quality, and everything is amazing. Android, not as good.

Typing:  Android's keyboard is easier to use than Apple's. Apple keyboards tend to feel cramped and hard to navigate were as with Android, you don't have to be genius to figure it out.

All the other features really depend on how well you use them and how easy it is to use...

How to hide your folders

Hey everyone! Last time, I taught you guys how to password protect your folders. Well, guess what? Now, I'm going to teach you how to hide this folder from everyone else!

OK, so first up, select the folder that you would like to hide. Right click it and select properties.
Next, you want to go to Customize and click the Change Icon button.
Then, scroll right until you find the empty icon. Click on it and select OK.
Now, your folder should look something like this:
Next, go to run and type in 'charmap'.
Click the empty box, click 'Select' and then click 'Copy'.
To rename your folder, just paste it. (Ctrl V)


Saturday, 21 March 2015

iPhone Comparing


iPhone 2G

iPhone 6+


·       Had a scratch resistant glass screen

·       Had an iPhone holder

·       Could rotate (screen)

·       Could change lock screen background

·       Could download music

·       Spacious screen

·       Improved wireless speeds

·       Better camera quality

·       Lots of space (128GB)


·       Earphone jack was too small for ordinary earphones

·       Camera was 2 pixels

·       No app store

·       No app history

·       Couldn’t move apps around

·       Battery life


Tuesday, 17 March 2015

How to Password Lock your folders on Computer (NO DOWNLOAD)

Hello everyone! Today I will be showing YOU how to password lock ANY folder on you computer. Lets get started! First up, navigate to the folder you would like to password protect. Go ahead and click into it.
Then, create a new text document inside this folder. You do not have to name it anything.
Now past in this code:
title Folder Private 
if EXIST "HTG Locker" goto UNLOCK 
if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER 
echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N) 
set/p "cho=>" 
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK 
if %cho%==y goto LOCK 
if %cho%==n goto END 
if %cho%==N goto END 
echo Invalid choice. 
ren Private "HTG Locker" 
attrib +h +s "HTG Locker" 
echo Folder locked 
goto End 
echo Enter password to unlock folder 
set/p "pass=>" 
attrib -h -s "HTG Locker" 
ren "HTG Locker" Private 
echo Folder Unlocked successfully 
goto End 
echo Invalid password 
goto end 
md Private 
echo Private created successfully 
goto End 
Go to the line that says 'if NOT %pass%== PASSWORD_GOES_HERE goto FAIL' and change PASSWORD_GOES_HERE to your password. Save it, close it, reopen it, and go to Save As...
Select All Files from the drop down. Name the document whatever you want but make sure it is a .bat file.
Go ahead and delete the TEXT DOCUMENT NOT THE .BAT DOCUMENT. Now open the .bat file and you should get a folder called Private.
Put whatever secret files you want into that folder. DO NOT RENAME IT! If, you, however, would like to rename the folder, then go to the third line where it says title Folder Private. Change 'Private' into the name of the folder. You can even hide it! Just read my post of how to hide your folders. After you've done that, go back and double-click on your .bat file. A screen should pop up.
Type the letter 'y' into the section provided and hit enter. The Private folder should disappear. To access this file again, double-click on the .bat file, type in your password, hit enter and the file should reappear again. Below is a video on how to do it.